The previously scheduled ECMPS Monitoring Plan Beta release update has been moved yet again to Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM ET.
The most recent update now includes import and export functionality for monitoring plan files and general interface changes for QA and emissions.
EPA is redeveloping ECMPS to eliminate software installations, reduce reporting burden, improve efficiency, and provide new features and functionality. The purpose of the meeting is to inform DAHS vendors and users about the beta testing process and timeline, to provide an overview of the new tool, and to describe how users can engage in the testing process. A recording of the webinar and materials will be posted here for those unable to attend.
ECMPS 2.0 will utilize the Central Data Exchange (CDX) test environment in order to begin testing the future CDX login integration. To participate in the ECMPS Beta testing process, users will need a CDX test account, for which they can register at any time. The CDX Test Start guide can be found here.
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Labels: Communication, Stakeholder Meeting