Prior to the release, the EPA Host System will be unavailable starting around 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, December 3rd until mid-afternoon on Saturday, December 4th, and again the morning of December 8th until the release is completed later that day. At that time, users will be able to connect to the EPA Host System.
Check Changes
- FFACC-14; FFACCTT-14: Added checks to ensure Accuracy Tests and Transmitter/Transducer Tests have unique test numbers.
- LINEAR-26: Updated check to ensure agreement between reported and calculated linearity test result and APS codes.
- RATA-52: Updated check to allow a frequency code of 8QTRS for RATA tests performed on non-redundant backup Hg systems.
- RATA-33, 40, 125, 132: Updated checks to only allow the reporting of 2-5 decimal places in data elements for RATA tests performed on Hg, HCl, and HF CEMS and ST systems.
- RATA-37, 125: Updated checks to ensure the rounding of RATA Summary Mean Difference values for NOx diluent systems matches the rule text.