On September 9, 2020, the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants Electronic Reporting Revisions became effective. In support of this rule change the ECMPS Q1 2021 includes the following changes:
Effective September 9, 2020, the MATS Hourly Value and MATS Derived Hourly Value Data may be reported to a minimum of two significant figures in scientific notation. However, sources may continue to report three significant figures if they wish to do so. All data prior to the September 9, 2020 date must be reported to three significant figures. See tables 22 and 30 of the ECMPS Emissions reporting instructions for a list of affected parameters.
Effective September 9, 2020, Sorbent Trap Hg System Concentration can now be reported to a minimum of two significant figures using scientific notation. Sorbent traps that were installed prior to the rule effective date, even if they were removed after the rule effective date must be reported to three significant figures.
Effective September 9, 2020, Hg daily calibration tests may be conducted offline.
These changes will be reflected in the upcoming ECMPS Emissions Reporting Instructions and the Daily Calibration for Hg status flow chart.
Beginning with the 2021 Q1 release, EPA will now require an annual reevaluation of Monitoring Plan data. For sources with no data changes, resubmission is not required. This process change is due in part to ensuring annual qualification data is updated annually.
As a result of recent changes to the ECMPS Client Tool, the test extension codes of GRACEPB and NONQAPB are no longer needed. These codes were previously implemented to extend RATA and/or Linearity test deadlines at primary bypass systems. If either code was used in 2020Q4 or earlier, the applicable extension will still be applied to future data. Use of these codes in 2020Q1 or later will result in an error advising the user the extension is not needed. No other test extension or test exemption codes are affected by this change.
Prior to the release, the EPA Host System will be unavailable starting around 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, March 5th until mid-afternoon on Saturday, March 6th, and again the morning of March 10th until the release is completed later that day. At that time, users will be able to connect to the EPA Host System.
Check Changes
DAYCAL-1; DAYCAL-3: Updated checks to allow optional reporting of offline Hg Daily Calibrations.
FORMULA-10: Updated check to ensure the formula text is provided when the N-GAS or N-OIL formula is used.
FORMULA-13: Updated check to ensure two active flowmeter components exist when the N-GAS or N-OIL formula is used.
HOURAPP-14: Updated check to not run when a complex configuration change occurs at any time other than a quarter boundary.
HOURGEN-8: Updated check to require that all active monitoring plans be evaluated at least once a year.
HOURGEN-21; HOURGEN-32; HOUROP-55: Updated checks to calculate soundness of reported Percent Monitor Availability (PMA).
HOUROP-56: Added check to ensure NOx concentration and CO2 or O2 concentration monitors report MODC 46 correctly when these monitors are only used to determine NOx Emissions Rate.
LINSTAT-6; RATSTAT-8: Updated Linearity and RATA QA status checks to prevent reporting of obsolete Test Extension Codes GRACEPB and NONQAPB.
HOURPAPP-10, 11, 12,13, 14; MATSCHV-16, 17, 18, 19, 20; MATSDHV-17; MATSMHV-12; MATSTRN-4,5,6,7,13; MATSTRP-12; MATSCHV-20: Updated checks to allow reporting of emissions concentrations and rates in a format that meets the MATS Electronic Reporting Provisions requirement.
UNITDEF-26-A: Reduced severity of check that looks for LME NOXR Default records at the time of the Unit Default Test.
Other Changes
Update the PDF module to disallow “resubmissions” of MATS PDFs if the original submission failed to transfer to the CEDRI database. In those situations, the subsequent submission is considered to be the original submission, not a resubmission.
Labels: Release Schedule Information, Scheduled Outage, Technical Support Tip